Marketing Strategies for the Real World
Astrology postcards with your details printed on the back are a great promotional tool. Leave them in random locations like a hotel reception, at a salon, at the local park etc.
Get eye-catching business cards printed and hand it out to every new person you meet.
Posters containing the details of your astrology business should be posted at the local shops, temples, booths etc.
Offer 5 minute astrology readings for free at your local cafe or park etc. and hand out your business cards for more in-depth analysis.
- Take out small, cost-effective Ads in your local newspaper.
- Join local groups with people from varied backgrounds and attend regular networking events. -. Join your local astrologers’ association.
- Put up an advertising banner/hoarding in front of your house.
- Post ads on free listing sites like OLX or quicker.
- Set up a stall at the local fairs as they attract quite a crowd.
- Request your friends and family to promote your astrology business.
- Get a beautiful logo designed for your astrology business.
- Use at least a few customer testimonials on all of your marketing materials like flyers, posters etc.
- Get in touch with your local newspapers or magazines to find out if you can write weekly/monthly horoscopes for them.
- Create a special astrology reading event for kitty groups. You can do free, quick generalized readings and hand out your business cards if they want an in-depth horoscope analysis.
- Offer your current customers a referral bonus, e.g. refer a friend and get 25 or 5096 off their next horoscope analysis.
Offer to give mini astrology readings for free at sales events at local malls.
Be authentic and show passion for astrology. Don’t give every expensive or complicated astrology remedies to your clients.
Every business takes time and efforts to establish. Astrology is no different. It is important to be proactive and persistent in order to be successful. Don’t get disheartened if you don’t get the desired response in the beginning. Remember that patience and persistence is the key to be successful at any venture. It’s very important to market yourself with a vengeance to make your presence felt but at the same time, it’s even more important to be good at what you do. Keep updating your astrology skills. Study more and attend seminars from Reno astrologers to hone your astrological reductions. Word of mouth’ publicity is the best. Contact us for astrologer digital marketing in Indore.